Embark on a journey through time with The Sentinel Saber, a hallowed artifact once...
Embark on a journey through time with The Sentinel Saber, a hallowed artifact once brandished by the venerable Even Piell himself. This exquisite lightsaber resonates with the wisdom of the ages and the power of the Force. Its diminutive and unassuming hilt mirrors the stature of its legendary owner, yet conceals an incomparable might.
Crafted from the rarest materials in the galaxy, the hilt's green hue reflects the verdant world of Master Even and his deep connection to the living Force. A simple, yet elegantly designed weapon, it feels almost weightless in the hand, but is as durable as the ancient wisdom it represents.
With a flick of the wrist, the saber ignites to reveal a vibrant green blade that slices through darkness with purpose and precision. It is a tool of defense, a symbol of wisdom, and a guide for those who walk the path of the Jedi.
The Sentinel Saber does not merely serve as a reminder of Master Piell's teachings; it is an invitation to continue his legacy of light and truth. It stands as a challenge to those who wield it to rise to the greatness of the Jedi Order's most enlightened master.
Hilt Length: 16.8cm
Blade Length/ Width: 92cm/2.25cm
Blade Material: Polycarbonate
Handle Material: Aluminum Alloy
2-3 Watts/4-8ohm speaker battery
4-8 hours for full charge
What's Included?
Saber Hilt
Base Lit Blade or Xenopixel, or Proffie
1 Saber Charger
1 User Manual
1 Hex Key and Screws
Hilt Length: 16.8cm
Blade Length/ Width: 92cm/2.25cm
Blade Material: Polycarbonate
Handle Material: Aluminum Alloy
2-3 Watts/4-8ohm speaker battery
4-8 hours for full charge
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Base litthe Entry level model for gifted padawans
The Base Lit RGBX is built for both style and strength, making it the perfect saber for dueling and collectors alike. With 12w LED lights embedded in the hilt, this saber delivers vibrant, smooth swings in all blade colors. Its polycarbonate blade ensures durability, while the removable blade design allows for versatility. Enjoy an immersive experience with pre-downloaded sound fonts, flash on clash, and blade lock-up for that authentic lightsaber feel. The hilt, crafted from aircraft-grade aluminum, ensures a lightweight yet sturdy grip, while the 2-3w (4-5 ohm) speakers bring sound to life. CE certified for quality and safety, this saber is 100% great for dueling.
XENOPIXELthe standard model for jedi knights
With a Neopixel blade powered by 50w LEDs, this lightsaber delivers realistic blade scrolling and vibrant colors. It features premium smooth swing, infinite blade colors, and over a dozen pre-installed sound fonts, customizable via the included SD card. Enjoy effects like flash on clash, blaster effects, and blade lock-up, along with musical themes. The aircraft aluminum hilt and 2-3w speakers provide durability and immersive sound. CE certified and equipped with gesture controls, this saber offers an authentic experience.
PROFFIEthe advanced model for masters & Lords
The Proffie Neopixel is designed for ultimate customization and performance. Its Neopixel blade with 50w LEDs creates realistic scrolling effects, while the premium smooth swing and infinite color options ensure a dynamic visual experience. Customize sound fonts, blade styles, and colors easily with the included SD card. Features include flash on clash, blaster effects, blade lock-up, and musical themes, all backed by a high-quality soundboard for superior audio. With an aircraft-grade aluminum hilt, 2-3w speakers, and extensive gesture controls, this saber is CE certified and ready for action.
Our sabers in the universe
I pondered too long on a particular character saber, and when I made it back to the booth later in the day it was sold out. Your team immediately solved the problem as I walked through an online order. Compared to everything else, your sabers are by far the best, and the customer services is fantastic.
R. Nolson
I am very impressed with the quality of the lightsabers. From the finishing details to the almost indestructible blades (no trees were injured during the testing of the blades, or so I am told). I look forward to many more purchases and interactions. Thank you!
Darth Stormageddon
Saberx has always been super quick responding to my questions and my demands. Their lightsabers are extremely good quality, the lights are bright and the sound is really amazing. | 100% recommend their company, you won’t be disappointed!
Juliette Bernier-Leroux
Had a great time meeting the SaberX team during FanExpo Canada 2024! Their entire lineup of sabers is impressive and beautifully constructed, and they clearly care about helping people find the one (or ones) that belong in their hands!
Mark Verway
Saber X is a global business based out of Montreal Canada and was created by a Star Wars fan who enjoyed the fantasy for a long time. After spending many years as part of the fandom, I wanted that fantasy to be a reality, I wanted my very own lightsaber. I had searched for years to find a saber the had the authenticity I wanted, but that could also fit my budget! After being frustrated time and again I decided to go straight to the source and work with the manufacturer to come up with solution. I realized others may be in the same situation and got to work seeing how I could share this with the many fans just like me.
Our StoryProviding the best lightsabers to fans at fair prices with exemplary customer service and support. Our promise is to provide as good customer service after purchase as before. Our goal is to make you happy in the long term and to build customer loyalty.
©️ SABERX All Rights Reserved 2023
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